Donation of Equipment – Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service July 2021

Operation Florian has received a substantial donation of equipment from Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service in July 2021. The donation consisted of mainly of PPV fans, ackron branches, helmets and many other items. These items will be distributed between a number of planned projects over the next 18 months. Without the help of UK FRS and other organisations we could not fulfill our aims of creating safer communities throughout the world.

This equipment still has a service life which will enable Fire Services in developing nations serve their communities needs. 

Another vital aspect of these donations which is often over looked is recycling equipment. Decreasing the “carbon foot print” of the organisations that give Operation Florian equipment, vehicles and PPE. This is especially prominent in view of recent events in “Global Warming”.

If your Fire and Rescue Service, Ambulance Service or organisation is changing/up dating your equipment, vehicles or PPE, please ask if it can be donated to Operation Florian. If can be donated contact the charity through our website. 

Our Treasurer Anthony Burscough with Nick Regan of Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service and the loaded Equipent at our Chorley Store
PPV fans included with the donation

Operation Florian would like to thank Nick Regan and his colleague Craig Howell from Cheshire FRS for organizing, storing and delivering this vital equipment. A special thanks to Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service for allowing this donation.