Vital gift from Cumbria FRS of donated PPE – May 2022

Vital gift from Cumbria FRS of donated PPE – May 2022

Vital gift from Cumbria FRS of donated PPE – May 2022

Operation Florian has received another donation of PPE from Cumbria Fire and Rescue Service. This vital donation was organised and delivered to Operation Florian stores in Lancashire by Adam Tracey and Gary Scott. Charity Trustee Tony Burscough was there to accept this very generous gift of fire kit.
Operation Florian would like to thank Cumbria FRS for their continued support and assistance in helping the charity create safer working conditions for firefighters in need worldwide in providing better ppe protection.


Equipment included:

This donation consisted of seventy fire tunics, 70 pairs of bunker pants, 35 pairs of fire boots and a number of flash hoods.
This donation will now be sorted and stored ready for shipping to a project overseas.

Donated by: Cumbria Fire and Rescue Service

Donated on: 01/05/2022

Donated to:

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