Montenegro Team Return Home Safely

Following a very intense and successful mission to deliver training and distribute donated equipment our team have arrived safely back in the UK. The training and equipment were very well received by the Montenegrin emergency workers and community safety initiatives were also very successful. Work will now continue to develop the project and continue to build on existing partnerships to ensure the continuity of the long-term plan.

For this to be achieved there is an urgent need for sponsorship and donations. All our members give their time and skills for free but there is considerable expense to the charity to make everything happen. If you are able to support us in any way please donate via the website or contact us to discuss sponsorship and any other support you can offer.

Water rescue Course Photo
One of our students receiving their certificate

Fundraising has commenced already to support the continuation of this excellent project. Please help in any way you can

If you are in the area and able to support this great event we are sure you will have a great time