Bulawayo – March 2024

Bulawayo – March 2024


Dates: 16/03/2024 - 30/03/2024

Location: Bulawayo, Zimbabwe


To deliver three ex-fire service Dennis Fire Appliances and carry out a two-week extensive training program.

project leader

Anthony Burscough and Shephard Ndlovu

Team members

Mark Brisco
David Barker-Read
Gary Higson
Lauren Hayes
Patrick Barlow
Fiona Hopper
Simon Evans
Samuel De La Hoyde
Kumbirai Kanyamaure
Stuart Frawley
James Barrow
Philip Summers
Mark Watson
Adam Lamarre
Judha Bir Rai
Jessica Johnson
Thomas Lowe
Charlie Groarke
Rhys Evans


The project


Operation Florian completed another successful project in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe in March 2024.

Our mission was to deliver three ex-fire service Dennis Fire Appliances and carry out a two-week extensive training program. These objectives we achieved thanks to a team of 15 Operation Florian volunteers from all over the world – a truly international team!

Using their combined skills, we ran 16 courses over two weeks, with over 100 students attending each day. The bulk of students were from Bulawayo Fire Brigade but there were students from all over the country, including Harare Fire Brigade, Masvingo Fire Brigade, Mutare Fire Brigade, Gwanda Fire Brigade, Victoria Falls Fire Brigade, Zimbabwe Power Company, Gweru Fire Brigade, Hwange Fire Brigade and Civil Aviation Authority of Zimbabwe (Bulawayo Airport Firefighters).

The incredible team efforts resulted in over 4,800 student hours of training in both theoretical and practical sessions.

Subjects covered included:

  • Introduction to Managing Incidents
  • Breathing Apparatus
  • Senior Officers Command
  • Road Traffic Collision
  • Community Fire Safety
  • Technical Fire Safety
  • Brigade Management

All students participated in practical sessions following theoretical input from Operation Florian members on their respective courses.

On completion of the two-week extensive training program, there was an official handover ceremony where Bulawayo City Council accepted the donation of the three Dennis Fire Appliances and acknowledged the efforts of the Operation Florian team in their training achievements. The students then delivered a drill and marching demonstrations.

This mission would not be possible without our dedicated volunteers. Their work starts many months before the actual mission. They prepare lectures, presentations and risk assessments to name but a few examples. Operation Florian would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who volunteered for this project and made it a great success.

Special thanks

Operation Florian are extremely grateful to all supporters of this project. Without your assistance these projects would not be possible. You have helped to save lives and improve community safety:

We thank UK FRS’s and companies for giving Operation Florian vehicles, PPE and equipment, without their continued support projects like this could not take place.

Operation Florian would like to thank Bulawayo City Council for their continued support and sponsorship of the partnership with the charity.