Zimbabwe – Bulawayo 2014

Zimbabwe – Bulawayo 2014


Dates: 23/05/2014 - 13/06/2014

Location: Bulawayo, Zimbabwe And Victoria Falls Fire Brigade, Kadoma Fire Brigade, Kwekwe Fire Brigade, Gweru Fire Brigade • • Harare Fire Brigade • Chinhoyi Fire BrigaMutare Fire Brigade, Masvingo Fire Brigade, Unki Mine, Shurugwi, Zvishavane Fire Brigade


project leader

Tony Burscough - Project Manager Shephard Nudlovu - Project Advisor

Team members

• Anthony Burscough – Project Manager – Lancashire Fire and Rescue
Service (Rtd)
• Shephard Ndlovu – Project Advisor- Snr Lecturer at University of
Central Lancashire
• Roy Barraclough – West Sussex Fire and Rescue Service
• Graham Rudman – East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service
• Reg Tassiker – Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service (Rtd)
• Pete Ashworth – Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service (Rtd)
• Paul Rigden – Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service
• Paul Berrisford – Scottish Fire and Rescue Service
• Stewart Gibb – Scottish Fire and Rescue Service
• Gary Michie – Scottish Fire and Rescue Service
• Ian Sullivan – Scottish Fire and Rescue Service
• Mike Dayson – Cleveland Fire Brigade
• Paul Lowe – Cleveland Fire Brigade
• Neale McGlade – Cleveland Fire Brigade
• David Paul – Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue Service

UCLAN Students are as follows:-
• Joe Hart – FdSc Fire Safety Engineering, 2nd year
• Richard Chester – MEng Fire Engineering, 2nd year
• Samuel De La Hoyde – BSc (Hons)Fire and Leadership Studies,2nd year
• Samuel Davies – BSc (Hons)Fire and Leadership Studies,2nd year
• Liam Davies – BSc (Hons)Fire and Leadership Studies,2nd year
• Liam Lockyer – BSc (Hons)Fire and Leadership Studies,2nd year
• Nathan Ledwards – BSc (Hons)Fire and Leadership Studies,2nd year
• Francis Lee – BSc (Hons)Fire and Leadership Studies,2nd year

Donated vehicles

Dennis N773 OJF, DAF - T127 BCK, DAF - X142 RFV


The project


On the 23/05/14, a team of 15 Operation Florian members set off on a mission for Bulawayo Zimbabwe. This Phase 4 Mission in Bulawayo was the result of the success of Phase 1, 2, and 3 training achievements and the positive effect of the donated equipment and fire appliances. This has resulted in an increase in delivery of service to the large community of Bulawayo. To carry out this training required a team of 15 Operation Florian members and 8 students from University of Central Lancashire (UCLAN).

The students from the University of Central Lancashire were to assist on the mission in order to develop their experience and individual skills in their respective fields. They were also given the opportunity to assist in the training in their related subjects. This partnership with the University of Central Lancashire provides financial sponsorship for the students on this unique life changing venture.

Following another donation of operational equipment and fire vehicles, firefighters from Bulawayo and other participating brigades are now equipped and trained to deal with road traffic accidents, casualty handling and thesafe use of self contained breathing apparatus.


The training course was based at Famona Fire Station, which also houses the Service Headquarters. The intensive two week training programme in Bulawayo covered the following course:-

  • Introduction to Incident Management (2 courses)
  • Train the Trainer
  • Incident Command and related subjects
  • Trauma Life Support (Ambulance personnel (2 courses)
  • Advanced Community Fire Safety
  • Technical Fire Safety
  • Turn Table Ladder Refresher Course
  • Firefighters Practical Course
  • Advanced Fire Investigation

External Fire Brigades – Breathing Apparatus  and Road Traffic Collision (2 week)

Multi-Agency Major Exercise Training

On the 4th of June 2014, a  major incident training exercise was organised which involved a diesel goods train colliding with a car approximately 30 miles outside of the City of Bulawayo. The incident was treated as a live exercise and involved partner agencies, such as, all departments from the Zimbabwe National Railways, Zimbabwe Republic Police, Fire and Ambulance Services. This exercise was designed to test the joint emergency response to a multiple casualty major rail incident in a difficult remote location. University of Central Lancashire students came together with members of the local village community acted as casualties to add the realism to the event and gave the organisations involved a realistic training exercise.

Achievements in 2014

  • An average of 75 students per day over the two weeks
  • 5,884 student hours of training
  • Donation of three containers of equipment
  • Assessment examinations carried out for each course and statistics compiled
  • Consolidation of Phase 3 training subjects
  • Introduction of new training subjects
  • Combined exercises with Police, Railway and emergency organisations
  • Combined firefighter and Officer practical training sessions.
  • Combined Ambulance and Fire practical training sessions.
  • Completed specific Ambulance Training
  • Provided donation of Ambulance equipment and training on its use
  • Provided First Aid training equipment
  • Electronic packages left with participating organisations
  • Increased the IT equipment of Bulawayo Fire and Ambulance Brigade
  • Introduction of AED and 4 on the run on Ambulances.
  • Provision of an additional petrol single cylinder Breathing Apparatus ompressor
  • Donated working rig uniform to all staff.
  • Donated a Fire Appliances
  • Improved Technical and Community Fire Safety skills
  • Trained and equipped 5 External Brigades in Breathing Apparatus , Road Traffic Collision, PPE, IT etc
  • Increased the capability of Fire Brigades in the South of Zimbabwe
  • Increased media attention on the improved emergency services
  • Increased public’s perception and expectation of emergency services


Special thanks

Operation Florian are extremely grateful to all supporters of this project. Without your assistance these projects would not be possible. You have helped to save lives and improve community safety:

This project would not have been possible without the support, sponsorship and co operation of the following organisations;

  • Operation Florian
  • Aberdeen City Council, UK
  • City of Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
  • Scottish Fire and Rescue Service
  • University of Central Lancashire (UCLAN)
  • Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service
  • Cleveland Fire Brigade
  • East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service
  • West Sussex Fire and Rescue Service
  • Scottish Ambulance Service.
  • Fire and Rescue Services throughout the UK donated equipment.