Montenegro – March 2022

Montenegro – March 2022


Dates: 15/03/2022 - 22/03/2022

Location: , Montenegro And Nationwide


project leader

Allan Henson

Team members

Pup Upton
Dave Thurston
Ash Tamam


The project

Operation Florian has been supporting the fire and rescue services of Montenegro from early in the charity’s existence.  A team of our volunteers, supported by the British Embassy in Podgorica, has just spent some time there working with the Association of Firefighters and Rescuers of Montenegro to scope the next phase.  We anticipate training will be the principal activity of this phase but will also include equipment donations in the less well equipped parts of the country.


We would like to acknowledge the role played by Raso Dragojevic, a Podgorica firefighter who was trained by Operation Florian in Montenegro and the UK.  Raso is the link between the Association and ourselves and made a huge contribution to the planning and execution of this mission.

Special thanks

Operation Florian are extremely grateful to all supporters of this project. Without your assistance these projects would not be possible. You have helped to save lives and improve community safety:

The project team would also like to thank

British Embassy Podgorica

Goran Jankovic and the Association of Firefighters and Rescuers of Montenegro

Raso Dragojevic

Miodrag Medo Djukanovic

Savez Vatrogasaca

Radovan Pavicevic

Predrag Milikic

Savo Cetkovic