North Macedonia – November 2021

North Macedonia – November 2021


Dates: 14/11/2021 - 26/11/2021

Location: Sveti Nikole, Macedonia And Novaci and Makedonska Kamenica


project leader

Roy Barraclough

Team members

Pete Langridge
Lee Buckingham
Kath Port
Tim Eady
George Wippich,


The project

North Macedonia

In November 2021, Operation Florian delivered a further Three fire appliances to the Fire Service in North Macedonia . Operation Florian have been working in Macedonia since 2007 and this latest donation brings the total to 27 Vehicles . The project started with a Donation to the town of Sveti Nikole and the on-going project includes the delivery of a wide variety of essential fire fighting equipment, firefighting uniform and training.

The latest Trio of Fire engines include one to the original recipient Sveti Nikole to replace that donation 14 years ago. Other Vehicles have been sent to the towns of Novaci and Makedonska Kamenica.

The Vehicles were driven through France and Italy, then on a Ferry and through Albania before reaching North Macedonia. A Distance of just over 1,600 miles. The 9 strong crew of volunteer drivers and trainers then carried out essential familiarisation training. The fire appliances will strengthen previous equipment donations and training provided by Operation Florian and will provide vital fire cover, enabling the local fire service to respond to incidents within their communities and surrounding areas.

The appliances were donated from Fire Aid International Limited and equipment came from various Fire and Rescue Services in the UK . Roy Barraclough Project co Ordinator said. “This is part of our ongoing work to improve capacity and resilience to Fire services in Communities in many countries around the world.

Special thanks

Operation Florian are extremely grateful to all supporters of this project. Without your assistance these projects would not be possible. You have helped to save lives and improve community safety:

The team would like to take this opportunity to thank all supporting UK fire and rescue services for their donations of decommissioned equipment, which helps fire and rescue services around the world”