Zimbabwe – Bulawayo March 2019

Zimbabwe – Bulawayo March 2019


Dates: 03/07/2019 - 04/02/2019

Location: Sizinda, Zimbabwe


Bulawayo Zimbabwe Phase 8 – Project Dates

Team Arrival:19/03/19
Course set up day: 20/03/19

Training Week 1: 21/03/19 to 22/03/19
Course times 0900 hours to 1630 hours (1-hour mid-day break)

Training Week 2: 25/03/19 to 29/03/19
Course times 0900 hours to 1700 hours (1-hour mid-day break)

Hand Over Ceremony: 29/03/19 Friday Afternoon

project leader

Anthony Burscough - Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service Rtd- Operation Florian Director/Trustee

Team members

Shephard Ndlovu – University of Central Lancashire – Operation Florian Director/Trustee project Advisor
Stephen Robert Snape – Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service – Rtd.

UCLAN Students:
Ayden Vinales – BSc (Hons) Fire and Leadership Studies
George Osmond – BSc (Hons) Fire and Leadership Studies
Jack Mclinden – BSc (Hons) Fire and Leadership Studies
Joel McCafferty – BSc (Hons) Fire and Leadership Studies
Mateusz Bogacz – BSc (Hons) Fire and Leadership Studies
Shailen Devlia – BSc (Hons) Fire and Leadership Studies


The project

Bulawayo, Zimbabwe

The project team consisted of three members of Operation Florian and six students from the University of Central Lancashire (UCLAN) who supported the main team. The team flew out from the United Kingdom on Tuesday 19th of March 2019 and returned on Tuesday 02nd of April 2019. This was the tenth year of this partnership and the eighth Phase of training undertaken by Operation Florian personnel in Bulawayo. The original partnership was formed in 2009 and after two years of planning the first phase took place in 2011. The aim of the partnership with the international humanitarian charity, UK Fire and Rescue Services and other organisations in the UK is to help provide fire equipment and training to the Bulawayo Fire and Ambulance Service and neighbouring Fire Brigades. A unique partnership within the project is that with the University of Central Lancashire (UCLAN). On this mission we have six students from UCLAN assisting the Operation Florian team. This is a vital tool in developing these individuals as potential professionals in the field of “Fire”. This partnership with UCLAN has yet again proved very successful in the development of experience of these young people. Approximately 46 students from UCLAN have worked with the Charity in Zimbabwe. Bulawayo City Council and the British Embassy in Zimbabwe fully support and recognise the importance of involving young people within the project. The duration of the project was 2 weeks; the team delivered the training programme and completed the following four courses:


  • Firefighter Core Skills
  • Introduction to Managing Incidents (IMI)
  • Advanced Train the Trainer
  • Pump Operation (DAF and MAN appliances)


This resulted in 1500 student hours of training, operation florian team worked with the Bulawayo “Train the Trainer” staff in Bulawayo as main course instructors both on practical and theoretical training where possible and this proved to be very successful and gave the group confidence. The train the trainer team were mentored by Operation Florian personnel, they prepared and presented training packages on various courses within the two-week programme. They have also been tasked with creating training and development matrix to be implemented with Bulawayo Fire and Ambulance Service. This is one very important aspect of project focused on further development of 10 selected “Train the Trainer” team. This was the fifth year of working with this group, the objective being as the Charities involvement naturally decreases their role being to fill the void and move their organisations forward. It is also the intention of Bulawayo City Council to open a Fire Training College in the future, planning is at an advanced stage, this team will be expected to play a pivotal role in the establishment of the College.


On completion of the training, a “Hand Over” ceremony was held, it was attended by members of Bulawayo City Council and dignitaries from other City and Town Councils. The team officially handed over the DAF, MAN fire appliances and Ambulance sent in 2018 and a container of Personal Protective Equipment to Bulawayo City Council, the charity donated PPE to 10 fire brigades from various cities and towns throughout Zimbabwe.

Special thanks

Operation Florian are extremely grateful to all supporters of this project. Without your assistance these projects would not be possible. You have helped to save lives and improve community safety:

Operation Florian and the project team would like to thank all the supporters of this project. Without your help these projects would not be possible. You have helped to save lives.


  • Operation Florian Fire Service and Humanitarian Charity
  • Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service
  • University of Central Lancashire
  • City of Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
  • Bulawayo Fire and Ambulance Brigade
  • Scottish Fire and Rescue Service
  • West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service
  • Cleveland Fire Brigade
  • Fire and Rescue Services throughout the UK donated equipment.

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