Ukraine Convoy Update

Thanks to the efforts of everyone involved, the Convoy departed yesterday and is now travelling through Germany. There is a very strong spirit of support for Brother and Sister firefighters who are under extreme pressure risking their own lives saving others whilst protecting their communities in Ukraine. planning has already started for more vehicles and equipment to follow on.

Our Board Member Roy Barraclough gave the following update this afternoon : “Members of Operation assisting in the fire aid convoy to Ukraine have made good progress since they left Calais early yesterday morning. They are now well into Germany and proceeding with their sights on Poland having spent a night courtesy of the German fire service who looked after the whole FireAid team of 52 people really well. Whilst tired the team are in good spirits and looking forward to today’s journey”

Please click here to see the departure video published by FireAid

Fuel Stop
Final loading and preparations
Team Photo
Briefing Room