Equipment donation to Zimbabwe October 2021

Operation Florian members loaded a 40 foot container with vital life saving equipment to support the fire and ambulance service in Zimbabwe. This crucial donation from our charity will support our ongoing projects in Bulawayo and Harare with more to follow in the coming months (watch this space) as we cautiously start to return to operational projects we hope to be able to follow up donations of equipment and vehicles with the vital element of on site training when it is considered safe to do so. As we publish this news item this container is well on its way and eagerly awaited by our friends in Zimbabwe

Our operations in the north west are supported by Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service who regularly donate equipment and support our operations in any way they can. Group Manager Thomas Powel is pictured here with Operation Florian’s Chairman Michael Doherty, Bernie Lees and Steve Snape. our colleague Anthony Burscough was hiding behind the camera and Steve’s wife Wendy was in charge of logistics.
Operation Florian Members Gary Higson and Mark Brisco commencing the stacking
All full and ready to go and support the project.

The charity is forever grateful for the support we receive from fire and rescue services and commercial organisations who support us with donations of equipment on a regular basis. Thanks also to our supporters who fund raise and donate money to enable us to continue this vital work.