Operation Florian Supports Blanket Donation to Ukraine

Operation Florian received a large donation of blankets that was arranged by supporter Lesley Routh-Jones in collaboration with AW Hainsworth Textile Mill. These were conveyed to the charity by West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service and are now being sent to the people of Ukraine.

Retired Firefighter Andy Barnes has been donating vehicles for use on the front line since the start of the war and has filled some of his vehicles with the blankets which are now being used to keep people warm during the depths of winter.

A more recent collaboration is with International Aid Trust who are taking convoys of aid to the Ukraine and Moldova on a weekly basis . Last week, Chair Michael Doherty and Treasurer Tony Burscough handed over a large consignment of the blankets and they will be on their way to the Ukraine on the next convoy.

We would like to thank all those who have supported this effort and a special thanks to Amanda McLaren (MD) A W Hainsworth Textiles and West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service who transported the donation to our storage facility at Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service Training Centre.