Operation Florian team arrive in Bulawayo Zimbabwe

The Operation Florian team safely arrived in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe on Saturday 3rd December to start phase 9 of the training mission.

Volunteers Anthony Burscough, Shephard Ndlovu, Mark Brisco and Stephen Snape were met by members of the Bulawayo Fire and Ambulance Service and were transported to their accommodation for some well-earned rest. On Sunday they travelled to Famona Fire Station to set up for two weeks of intensive training which would commence the following day.

On Sunday evening the team met with the Chamber Secretary, Mrs Sikhangele Zhou, acting CFO, Mr Linos Phiri, Senior Administrative Officer for Bulawayo City Council, Mr Bornface Ngulube, and Senior Divisional Ambulance Officer, Mr Peter Dube. The meeting allowed the Operation Florian team to brief them on the plans for this phase of the project and discuss future development.

On Monday 5th December the team visited the city hall to meet the Mayor, Mr Solomon Mguni, who thanked Operation Florian for their commitment to improving safety in the community and for the equipment that has been donated so far. The team then went into the council chambers to meet the council department heads and introduce themselves.

On return to Famona Fire Station, there was an opening ceremony with the students attending the various courses. Prayers and speeches were given by the senior officer and our team members had the chance to introduce themselves.

The team are now in full swing delivering training and distributing donated equipment including three fire appliances which are due to arrive by the end of the week. Keep an eye on our social media profiles for more updates on the project developments and activities.